(+39) 055 47 51 52 info@azlanguage.it
We carry out accurate translations,
  • from Italian to Japanese and from Japanese to Italian,
  • from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English,
  • from English to Italian and from Italian to English,
  • From French to Italian,
  • From French to English,
  • From French to Japanese.
Our main strength is that we are a married couple of professional translators whose mother-tongue is, respectively, Japanese and Italian, with a thorough knowledge of the English and French languages:
since we also have a good knowledge of each other’s mother tongue, e and we always work side by side, we are always in a position both to perfectly understand the source text and to faithfully translate it into the target language.

What fields

The main fields in which we confidently translate:
  • Legal/juridical texts: law suits/litigations; labour litigations; writs of summons and pleadings; by-laws & articles of association of companies & corporations; contracts, etc.
  • Tourism
  • History, Culture and Local Lore
  • Religion (christian theology, protestant and catholic)
  • Psychology
  • Advertising
  • Marketing (presentations, brochures…)
  • Public Administration Services
  • Official documents such as: certificates such as certificates of marriage, of citizenship, of birth, of residence, family register, Japanese Koseki Tohon and the like; declarations on oath, etc
  • Pharmaceutical texts and Medical texts at a non-specialized level (medical certificates, medical test results…)
  • and… much more (for fields not included in the above list, please send us an enquiry by e-mail).We do not usually accept translation jobs in the following fields: medical at a specialized level, chemical, videogames.

    Website Localization in Japanese, English, Italian.

    At the same rates per word (or per Japanese character) as for our ordinary translations, we’ll translate the text of your web site into Japanese /English /Italian. We can also reproduce the layout of your web pages, but only within the limits of the MS WORD format.
    Since translations for websites are protected by copyright laws, we ask that the translators’ names be placed on your website.


    for example, if you are a Japanese or American citizen or firm and you are going to use our translation only outside the Italian territory (e.g. in Japan or America, or even in the territory of member states of the European Union other than Italy), we are not going to charge V.A.T. in your invoice, provided that we receive from you, in due time, proof that you meet the conditions detailed above, as well as a written stetement, signed by you, stating —on your own responsibility— that you meet certain conditions. Please write for details.

    Please request a free quote for our translation service:

    to obtain a free estimate of the cost and of the time needed, send us the text you would like us to translate, preferably in MS Word (.doc) format, as an e-mail attachment, at our address info@azlanguage.it